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BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 4

What can you trust God for today as He cares for you spiritually?
God wants to use you in ways for which He has uniquely suited and positioned you.

BSF 22/23 - People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided - Lesson 4 - Pearlyn - 13 September 2022

Division 1: God vs Israel’s kings (1 Kings 15:25-16:34)
Principle 1: God’s power and influence cannot be quenched by evil.

Division 2: God vs Nature (1 Kings 17:1-24)
Principle 2: God demonstrates His power by faithfully providing for His children.

Division 3: God vs Baal (1 Kings 18:1-46)
Principle 3: God reveals His power in response to active faith.

September 6

BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 3

September 20

BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 5