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BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 3

God listens when we cry out to Him.
He perfectly discerns the deepest desires within our hearts.

BSF 22/23 - People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided - Lesson 3 - Cutie - 06 September 2022

Division 1: Abijah’s Divided Heart (1 Kings 15: 1 - 8; 2 Chronicles 13)
Principle 1: Our lives are right when our hearts are fully devoted to God.

Division 2: Asa’s Devoted Heart (1 Kings 15: 9 - 24; 2 Chronicles 14 - 16)
Principle 2: God is faithful even when our hearts falter

August 30

BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 2

September 13

BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 4