BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 7
BSF 22/23 - People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided - Lesson 7 - Mark - 11 October 2022
Division 1: Jehoshaphat Seeks (2 Chronicles 17:1-19:3)
Principle 1: Flawed believers can seek God in every circumstance
Division 2: Jehoshaphat Leads (2 Chronicles 19:4-21:3)
Principle 2: United believers seek God in humility
BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 6
Will you ask God to show you His way and give you the courage and wisdom to trust Him?
BSF 22/23 - People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided - Lesson 6 - Hwee Pin - 27 September 2022
Division 1: Ahab ignored God’s warning (1 Kings 22:1-50)
Principle 1: Refusing to heed God’s warnings results in judgment
Division 2: Ahaziah untreated idols (1 Kings 22:51- 2 Kings 1:18)
Principle 2: Refusing to heed God’s warnings results in death.
BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 5
You are not alone… God generously extends grace to the faithful and the unfaithful.
BSF 22/23 - People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided - Lesson 5 - Cutie - 20 September 2022
Division 1: Grace to Elijah (1 Kings 19: 1 - 21)
Principle 1: God’s grace prevails even when our strength fails.
Division 2: Grace to Ahab (1 Kings 20: 1 – 21: 29)
Principle 2: God extends grace even to those who reject Him.
BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 4
What can you trust God for today as He cares for you spiritually?
God wants to use you in ways for which He has uniquely suited and positioned you.
BSF 22/23 - People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided - Lesson 4 - Pearlyn - 13 September 2022
Division 1: God vs Israel’s kings (1 Kings 15:25-16:34)
Principle 1: God’s power and influence cannot be quenched by evil.
Division 2: God vs Nature (1 Kings 17:1-24)
Principle 2: God demonstrates His power by faithfully providing for His children.
Division 3: God vs Baal (1 Kings 18:1-46)
Principle 3: God reveals His power in response to active faith.
BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 3
God listens when we cry out to Him.
He perfectly discerns the deepest desires within our hearts.
BSF 22/23 - People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided - Lesson 3 - Cutie - 06 September 2022
Division 1: Abijah’s Divided Heart (1 Kings 15: 1 - 8; 2 Chronicles 13)
Principle 1: Our lives are right when our hearts are fully devoted to God.
Division 2: Asa’s Devoted Heart (1 Kings 15: 9 - 24; 2 Chronicles 14 - 16)
Principle 2: God is faithful even when our hearts falter
BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 2
Every day, we face choices – opportunities from God to stand for Him.
BSF 22/23 - People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided - Lesson 2 - Hwee Pin - 30 August 2022
Division 1: Deterioration Within Solomon’s Kingdom - 1 Kings 11
Principle 1: The Sin of Idolatry is anything/anyone that leads people away from worshiping God.
Division 2: Division Into Two Kingdoms - 1 Kings 12:1-24; 2 Chronicles 10:1-12:12
Principle 2: Sin often leads to irreversible consequences
Division 3: Decline in Both Kingdoms - 1 Kings 12:25-14:31;2 Chronicles 12:13-16
Principle 3: Confession of sin brings forgiveness and restoration through Jesus.
BSF 22/23 PPKD - Lesson 1
Did you know that Israel’s story matters to us today?
It reveals God's faithfulness and salvation plan.
BSF 22/23 - People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided - Lesson 1 - Cutie - 23 August 2022
Division 1: Israel's Establishment (Gen 1 to 1 Sam 7)
Principle 1: God's choice of and plan for Israel reveals His faithfulness and sovereignty.
Division 2: Israel's Estrangement (1 Sam 8 - Mal)
Principle 2: God's faithfulness to Israel reveals His intent to draw people back into fellowship with Him.
BSF 22/23 PPKD - Introduction
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.